The 2019 Stampin' Up! catalog starts on June 4, 2019. I always use my May spring cleaning time to get all my craft supplies in order - organizing and making room for new items and of course new In Colors and this year a complete color revamp!
If you're not familiar with the way I organize my Sponge Daubers check out my original post here: Sponge Dauber boxes. I know many of you enjoy organizing your daubers in the boxes just like me so I wanted to be sure to share the updated charts with everyone! There are two options for the charts. My Free Chart is a Black and White version that includes only the colors that are current. The other option is a FULL color chart that you can print out for your box (and when you purchase this one from me, I'll edit it once to add or remove any colors you want!)
Purchase the FULL COLOR Chart
Cost: $5.00
(Includes 1 edit by me within 30 days of purchase - I'll add or remove any colors you want)
Once you purchase you'll receive a link to download the chart that includes all the current colors as well as the recently retired Colors and In Colors. You can e-mail me to add or remove the colors of your choice.
or Download the Black and White Chart Option
Click on the thumbnail below.
to print or save the file.
And if you're like me and you need nice pretty new daubers to fill your new dauber box be sure to pop over to my website and pick up a few packages!
You can find Dauber Boxes on Amazon (Affiliate Link Below)